Case Study

Discover how LV= are growing customer value, improving service levels and reducing complaints

Clever Nelly brings to the forefront any training opportunities that our team need. As a direct result of working in tandem with Nelly, we’ve been able to get into a really good place with our training on critical topics, such as the Consumer Duty. We’ve also had really good results in the vulnerable customer space; Nelly’s insights helped us to develop our training materials and we’ve since seen a 42% improvement in employee knowledge.

Paul Goodman, Customer Experience and Training Manager at LV=, discusses how continual employee assessment has enabled LV= to improve service levels, reduce complaints and significantly increase vulnerable customer understanding.

Learning outcomes include:

  • Speed-to-competency: how LV= improved employee competency by 30% in three key compliance categories, with employee competency increasing by 42% for customer vulnerability.
  • Complaint reduction: how LV= improved service levels, with Clever Nelly contributing to a 62.5% reduction in complaints.
  • Customer outcomes: how LV= reduced average call wait times from ten minutes to 1.5 minutes in specific lines of business.

Read the full use case here