Purple Paper

The state of UK customer satisfaction: what every customer service leader needs to know

How organisations are improving customer outcomes & gaining competitive advantage in a challenging consumer service landscape

Learning outcomes include:

  • Assessing the customer service landscape: how organisations are preparing to address the immediate issues of operational performance and resourcing to improve declining customer satisfaction standards in 2024.
  • Operating in regulated markets: the key customer areas to focus your attention on in 2024 to satisfy FCA, Ofcom, Ofwat and Ofgem expectations.
  • Comparing customer attitudes to business beliefs: understand the priority areas that UK customers say they want organisations to improve in 2024.

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“We have not identified a single instance where the AI has failed to improve employee knowledge retention and positively impact in-role performance”

“Clever Nelly has been instrumental in reinforcing our renowned approach to individual employee learning. It ensures we can continually embed key learning concepts and quantify the impact of learning on KPIs.”

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