
Automotive & Car Finance

We work with global and domestic brands in the automotive supply chain from manufacturer to retailer. From optimising production capability to helping organisations sell and serve car finance appropriately, Clever Nelly financially guarantees every employee is competent in their role to perform optimally and compliantly.

Discover How

In the factory, showroom or office – support your employees to operate at the highest possible standards

We help to keep workers safe in manufacturing plants, ensure customer service agents are subject matter experts and understand the legislations and regulations under which they operate. Quality brands care about their reputation and choose Clever Nelly to support their staff.

Competence plays a vital role in satisfying the ever-changing demands of regulation and enabling your people to service your customers better than your competitors. Clever Nelly guarantees every employee achieves and maintains the highest levels of in-role competence. This leads to greater efficiencies, improved customer outcomes, robust compliance, reduced risk and ultimately bottom-line profitability.

Trusted by Global Organisations


"We’ve used Clever Nelly to replace yearly examination testing for SAF Expert status of our employees. From a cultural point of view, it’s allowed us to frame knowledge in a positive and engaging way. I'd be really happy to see the rest of the industry adopt Clever Nelly for SAF equivalency."


"We’ve seen downturns in average handling times, wrap time reductions and improvements in fair outcomes as part of our quality assurance work – where Clever Nelly helps us to plug those gaps – and higher customer satisfaction."

Moneybarn Vehicle Finance

"Clever Nelly guarantees that all our people have learned what they’ve been trained. From a compliance perspective, I would find it very difficult to evidence where our knowledge and competency was without it."

BNP Paribas

What are you looking to achieve?

Customer Experience, Quality Assurance & Complaints

With most organisations wanting to get more for less from their people without compromising on Customer Experience, Clever Nelly helps operational leaders harvest tangible improvements through improved competence and confidence in KPIs and business-critical metrics such as:

• Average Handle Time.
• First Contact Resolution.
• Average Hold Time
• After Call Work
• Quality Assurance
• Complaint volumes

Improve Speed-to-Competence & Reduce Attrition

As regulation and role complexity increase—along with high employee turnover rates—retaining talent and accelerating new employees’ speed-to-competence is critical. Clever Nelly typically boosts speed-to-competence by 30% and can highlight those at risk of leaving, allowing you to take proactive steps in workforce management.

Improve Process Adherence & Reduce Errors

Employee errors often result in customer detriment and unnecessary cost. Our customers recognise that sub-optimal employee competence is often a contributing factor to this. Clever Nelly quickly addresses any competence gaps and enables higher process adherence and less mistakes – saving you time and money.

Optimise Sales Performance

One of the greatest challenges facing sales leaders in the sector is the wide variation in sales performance. Clever Nelly enables you to replicate high-performing sales behaviours across the team. Whether it’s sales negotiation, product knowledge, or process adherence, Clever Nelly conditions employees to operate optimally, leading to higher conversion rates, greater up-sell capability, and improved customer trust.

Don’t just take our word for it… Hear from our clients:

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