We work with leading retail and consumer brands to ensure every employee is competent to deliver exceptional customer service. Clever Nelly financially guarantees improved employee competence, resulting in improved performance, increased sales, better service standards and customer loyalty.
Discover howStruggling with recurring employee errors, customer complaints, or sales underperformance? We understand the unique pressures faced by retail and consumer businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences while driving profitability and efficiency.
Clever Nelly financially guarantees measurable improvements in employee competence, directly impacting your bottom line. By ensuring every employee learns, retains and translates their workplace training into in-role competence and confidence, we help retail and consumer organisations to improve sales performance, enhance customer loyalty, and mitigate operational risks – supporting you to build a more competitive and profitable brand.
Our customers recognise that employee competence is paramount to brand success, customer experience and satisfaction. Clever Nelly’s multi-award-winning continuous assessment model guarantees measurable improvements in competence. By providing personalised training inventions in the flow of work, we help individuals apply their workplace training effectively, leading to enhanced KPIs, improved customer service levels, reduced errors, and increased sales.
With most organisations wanting to get more for less from their people without compromising on Customer Experience, Clever Nelly helps operational leaders harvest tangible improvements through improved competence and confidence in KPIs and business-critical metrics such as:
• Average Handle Time
• First Contact Resolution
• Average Hold Time
• After Call Work
• Quality Assurance
• Complaint volumes
With role complexity increasing, coupled with high employee turnover rates, retaining talent and accelerating new employees’ speed-to-competence is critical. Clever Nelly typically reduces the time it takes to on-board new employees by 30% and can highlight those at risk of leaving, allowing you to take proactive steps in workforce management.
Employee errors often result in customer detriment and unnecessary cost. Our customers recognise that sub-optimal employee competence is often a contributing factor to this. Clever Nelly quickly addresses any competence gaps and enables higher process adherence and less mistakes – saving you time and money.
One of the greatest challenges facing sales leaders in the sector is the wide variation in sales performance. Clever Nelly enables you to replicate high-performing sales behaviours across the team. Whether it’s sales negotiation, product knowledge, or process adherence, Clever Nelly conditions employees to operate optimally, leading to higher conversion rates, greater up-sell capability, and improved customer trust.
Check out why brands, big and small, trust us
View all case studies9% improvement
in First Contact Resolution
62.5% reduction
in complaints
35% reduction
in call hold time